Our Circular Economy
We’re on a mission to help not only Planet Earth, but the people of our local community. As well as using renewable electricity, we consider it of paramount importance to our operations that production of waste is minimised.
Our byproducts are used to supply animal feed for local farms, and more significantly, to create biogas at Timoleague Agri Gen.
We then purchase back this green electricity from the national grid. Timoleague also uses our byproducts to produce organic fertiliser which helps the growth of crops, notably barley, a key ingredient in our much-loved whiskey.

An All or Nothing Attitude
Sustainability isn’t just an afterthought at West Cork Distillers, it is integral to our business. When John, Ger and Denis began production in Unionhall, they believed it was essential to examine their carbon footprint and what they could do to reduce it.
Sustainable practice was embedded in the patchwork of West Cork Distillers from the very beginning, and it continues to affect decision making at every level.

Community Led Work
Our ethical approaches and embracing of a circular way of doing business are supported by each member of the distillery team.
Time and time again, we have members of the community returning to work at West Cork Distillers; not only for career development opportunities, but recognising our strong ethos and fervent belief we can make change happen for collective good.
We never lose sight of our goals, and the West Cork Distillery team are the ones who make progress happen.

We Hold Ourselves Accountable
We are not afraid to back our beliefs. So much so, our distillery has become one of the few companies in Ireland to obtain the prestigious Butterfly Mark Certification, awarded by Positive Luxury. This award is given to businesses who make a distinguished effort to combat climate change through sustainable practices in all aspects of their work.
The assessment process is rigorous and judged by a council of experts in the field of sustainability. The Butterfly Mark is attained not only through eco-conscious production methods, but also fair labour practices and responsible sourcing of materials. Key to the assessment process is transparency, so consumers are empowered to make informed choices.
We’re incredibly proud of our efforts and this recognition is a testament to our unwavering commitment to creating a better world. It reaffirms that our dedication to environmental responsibility is not just a promise but an ongoing purpose-driven journey towards a sustainable future for our industry.

To learn more about the Butterfly Mark, head to positiveluxury.com
To see our sustainable practices at work, book here for a tour of the West Cork Distillery.